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News and Reports

First Light News

It's a simple story

We work with women in desperate situations. Part of our responsibility is to tell the stories of the women we serve. Supporters and donors can then recognize what an important role they play in helping our guests succeed. Hearing the stories promotes a clearer understanding of the common ground we share with the homeless. We ALL want a place to call home. We all want that comfort. We all have both happy and sad memories from our childhood. We treasure relationships launched and reinforced while sitting at the breakfast table with our parents or grand parents. We value the quiet moments spent with a good friend through joys and struggles. We all just want peace in our lives

Sometimes, nothing speaks better or louder than a woman's own words when she is meeting the greatest obstacles of her life.

So, in this message, we will let a note written by one of our guests, the mother of twins, speak for itself.

(Note-- "Rosci" is our Social Worker, Roxanna Harris, whom we often refer to as "Roxie")