"I've been a volunteer with First Light for over 5 years. I began serving breakfast alone, then with family and coworkers, then with anyone that was interested in helping out. One year, Shannon allowed me to coordinate and facilitate job preparedness training classes (interview skills/networking/resume building/etc.) for the ladies during the Director's vacation. It was especially rewarding helping the ladies create resumes and referral cards that they could use during their journey to rebuilding their lives. Last year, I stuffed envelopes at the hotel for the annual Gala.
The "thing" that I have taken from my work with First Light is humility. I began volunteering under the guise that "I" was helping women and children who needed ME. What I actually learned was that they had more to offer me than I had to offer them. Their stories and genuine heart felt words of kindness and appreciation for the grits and sausage that filled their stomachs actually filled my SOUL.
Volunteering time with the residents of First Light has taught me that giving works both ways. The ladies and children have helped me to understand that regardless of our current situations, we are all in this together and that I should never go into a situation believing that I am too good or too perfect to be helped by the very ones I think I'm helping.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this amazing experience for the last 5 years!" - Deborah Davis
"I have been a volunteer at First Light for several years but this year was my first time participating with their yearly Pre-Iron Bowl Pancake Breakfast. It was wonderful! The cooperation of All volunteers was a beautiful thing to watch unfold. The eagerness of every single person to do the very best at whatever job they were assigned, made me proud. Proud to be apart of such a great team of volunteers.
I can honestly say that the staff at First Light are wonderful, professional and big hearted people, that inspire the volunteers to maintain that same energy as we serve the women and children. I am very proud to be a volunteer at First Light!"
- Kim Dowe-Kirksey